Sunday, June 12, 2011

Love my youth :)

So last night a few of my youth wrote on my car :) It blessed me so much. Forreal. I have always wanted someone to do that... and I am pretty sure that it was the first time. It was great :)

A lot has been happening in Thomasville... God is opening up doors for me to speak & live & share His love with the one's that surround me. It is my prayer that I present the gospel in complete truth... that my life would be a worship offering and bless those that surround me.

Just a few days ago, I realized that I may just be kin to half of the church & GUESS WHAT I FOUND OUT YESTERDAY? I AM!!! How awesome? It is always a joy to meet new people.. then to find out they are relatives.. now that's a blessing!! -I will def be writing more on that soon-

Hope you all are blessed!!

Check out Matthew 6:19-21

*Mrs Kay Brassell came by to meet me and said "If my aunt would have lived, she would have married your great grand father & you would not be alive today". That was humbling. I am so grateful that God chose me. Praise Him!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pool Day...

Well, tonight is the fourth night of VBS! But before then, we are going to the pool to have some fun with the youth! :) I am excited!!

Keep praying that God will reveal Himself to to the kids, youth, and adults. I am confident that God is doing a wonderful work, even when we cannot see it in the natural!

Take some time today to read John 13-15! It has the power to renew your mind.

Blessings to you all.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Circumstances :)

"If my circumstances don't get any better, I have every reason to thank the LORD"- Gary Cockerham

Today we went to visit Mr Gary Cockerham. He is a wonderful man of God who works for Thomasville Baptist Church. When I was interviewed for this job, he was one of the men in the meeting. His love for God was so obvious when we met, that I specifically remember being thankful for him.

A few weeks ago, he was working on a tree house for his grandkids. It is a pretty tall treehouse. Well, while he was working, he fell. Supposedly the first thirty minutes after his fall, he felt paralyzed. Then, he says that God placed His hand on him... and a miracle happened (I believe)... the doctors said he should have been paralyzed, but he is not. Instead, he only broke his arm and is having a few other complications.

We went to see him in order to encourage him.. and this man just blessed us so much! He sat in his chair with a neck brace and cast on his arm and said with the sweetest smile "If my circumstances don't get any better, I have every reason to thank the LORD"... Hearing him say this brought tears to my eyes and reality to heart.

God does not owe me anything. I am alive & well. Sometimes it seems like circumstances try to bring us down.. but may we all learn from Mr Gary that IF OUR CIRCUMSTANCES DON'T CHANGE, WE STILL HAVE EVERY REASON TO THANK GOD!

God is worthy of ALL praise, all the time!

Love you all :) Hope you are thankful today. Only because He is worthy of thanksgiving.